A Complete Guide to the Different Shapes of Diamonds

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Round Shaped Diamond
Shapes Of Diamonds

Diamonds are available in a variety of shapes and designs. However, not many diamond buyers know that there are several factors behind the story of each shape. Below are some of the facts about the major shapes of diamonds.


Round diamonds are the most popular for two main reasons – their brilliance and fire. That is why it is being used in engagement rings for as long as anyone can remember. With the use of sophisticated instruments and technology, these have been designed to produce a brilliant dispersion of light. Their faceting pattern usually features 57 or 58 facets as they are optimized for a round shaped brilliance. If the 4 C’s of a round shaped diamond were compared to the other shapes, the round one would be the most valuable of the lot.


The main feature of a princess cut diamond is the distinct 90-degree corners on all four sides. These diamonds also have a brilliant sparkling feature and are carefully designed for maximum brilliance, similar to the round shaped diamond. The priciest princess cut diamonds are square in shape, whereas the rectangular derivatives are considered less valuable. In both cases, though, their facets are aligned through careful calculation to turn them into a dazzling piece.


The cushion cut, also known as the pillow cut, was introduced back at the beginning of the 19th Century. Their special feature is the presence of broad facets fitted with round corners and sides. They are also available in silhouette shapes of square and rectangle. Even at the time of its introduction, it gained the highest popularity. Although modern cushion cut diamonds have one notch lower degree of sparkle than their older counterparts, both styles are popular as a vintage item.


Emerald cut diamonds are the ones with beveled corners that are rectangular in shape. The lower part of the diamond, also known as the pavilion, is made of a series of flat and broad faces resembling staircases; this is why emerald cut is also called the step cut. They too, are very elegantly cut stones but they are not as sparkly or brilliant like the round shaped diamonds. This design particularly suits those diamonds with more color and little inclusions, as the emerald cut has a property of accentuating great clarity.


The oval cut diamonds are somewhat similar in brilliance as well as the cutting style employed to that in round cut diamonds. The facets are stretched out to both the sides though, which creates the illusion of a larger size. This also helps in maximizing the potential of its carat weight, which means that the wearer’s finger looks longer. Besides, they look heavier in comparison to round shaped diamonds of similar weight.


This is a strange looking design, similar to the oval shaped diamonds. It is stretched out on both ends and then culminates in a tip on both sides. Legend says that the King Louis XIV of France designed the shape specifically to match the smile of his mistress, Marquise de Pompadour, hence the name. Marquise cut has one of the highest surface areas among all the existing diamond cuts, and it always appears bigger when compared to other diamond shapes of similar carat value.


This design is a beautiful blend of round cut and marquise cut. It looks like a droplet of water frozen in time, with a rounded bottom and a tapered point on the other side. This design was developed in the 15th Century by a famous Belgian diamond cutter. The pear shaped diamonds are somewhat similar o the oval shaped stones, which means they also create an illusion of elongated diamond.


The radiant cut is a recent innovation in the industry, invented in the 1970’s. It is an elegant blend of the princess cut and round cut. They appear rectangular or exceedingly square with trimmed corners. This design focuses more on creating a brilliant and shiny diamond. Hence, it has more facets than a round shaped diamond. Interestingly, it is very similar to the emerald cut in terms of silhouette. However, they are more likely to show inclusions as well as the color of the lower body of the diamond.


Princess Cut Diamond
Interesting Diamond Facts

Named after its creator, Joseph Asscher of Holland, this shape is similar to the emerald cut. The Asscher diamonds are cut with cropped corners and have a characteristic perfect square shape. They have a unique ‘windmill’ or X geometric appearance, making authentic Asscher cut stones look like an octagon. They have smaller tables when compared to the emerald cut diamonds, but they feature higher crowns.


This shape is associated with the romantic mood and is very often used to invoke the emotions of sentimentality and love. Heart shaped diamonds have deep roots in history though, as such stones were used as a symbol of royalty in the past. This is a difficult cut to create though, because the shape requires careful work to round the corners and get the design right.

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