A GIA Study Shows Blue Diamonds May Have Come from the Ocean Floor

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A recently GIA study on blue diamonds has netted a fascinating discovery: part of each such gem may have formed in the ocean. It is well known that these stone get their characteristic color from the element Boron present in them. However, researchers from GIA have now found that not only do these form at immense depths going up to 410 miles below the surface (making them unique in a way), but they also form in rocks which may have been floating in the oceans at some point.

Are Blue Diamonds Different for Forming at Such Depths?

While these stones do come from depths up to four times those of other diamonds’ formative spaces, they may not be completely unique in this. In other words, there is no guarantee that diamonds forming at these levels will primarily contain Boron, and as a result be blue when viewed under sunlight or normal light.

What Makes Blue Diamonds Special Then?

The formation of these stones in itself is a bit different, even considering all the slightly different ways natural diamonds of other colors are made over time. While most gem diamonds form between 90 and 125 miles, on the continental plate, others originate from below the environment, leading them to be classified as “sublithospheric”.

Where Does the Boron in Blue Diamonds Come from?

No one has conclusively proven where the Boron in blue diamonds originates, but GIA has a reasonably good hypothesis for this. Because the rock surrounding these stones are probably oceanic in nature, it follows that these may have been sunken down (subducted) from what used to be oceanic tectonic plates at one time. The Boron may initially have existed in the ocean, and become attached to the lowest-lying rocks. When the latter got carried in, this element may have “hitched a ride” down. For the broader scientific community, this opens up avenues into finding Boron below the surface, and maybe also water.

What Could This Mean for a Jewelry Buyer?

Nothing has changed, expect maybe that there is a reasonable chance now that some part of blue diamonds owe their origins to the ocean floor. This makes these gems much more attractive to people who have a leaning towards the water element and related aesthetics, and any raised demand in the diamond industry is likely to drive up their market value.

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